Sunday, 9 July 2017

The bride death in helicopter crashed (including the video)

Lover lost her own life while giving a boyfriend a surprise The name of the deceased Rosemeer du Nasimonto Selva, resident of Brazil. After the white gown, she was going to marry the bride. At that time, boyfriend Woody Dammasenko was waiting for Alta. There the wedding ceremony was supposed to be there. About 300 guests were supposed to be present in the ceremony.

She was going to shove to reach the boyfriend. But suddenly, due to mechanical problems, the helicopter crashed. The helicopter broke down a few miles away from the destination. The helicopter was supposed to land on a nearby football ground. At the time it was not landed, relatives became worried. After reading some of them, they know that the bride has died.

In the plane, Rosemeere was without his brother, a female photographer and a pilot. A report from 'Mirror' has revealed that four people in the helicopter died. It was also known that the photographer had six months pregnancy. Video of the whole incident is now viral.

Police are investigating why the helicopter crashed. It was supposed to take 15 minutes to reach the destination. It is initially thought that the event happened due to bad weather, fog and rain.

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